Wind Research Center (ITUWIND)

The ITU WIND ™ wind research center, established within the Faculty of Architecture, conducts research in the following areas:

  1. Building-wind interaction
  2. Pedestrian level wind comfort analysis
  3. Wind energy analysis
  4. Design of natural ventilation systems
  5. Design studies are being carried out to eliminate negative wind effects from existing building forms or environmental structures.

The research center has an atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel in accordance with ASCE 49-12 (WIND TUNNEL TESTING FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES) standards. In addition, there are licensed software such as Ansys Fluent, OpenFOAM and FloEFD which can be carried out academically in numerical analysis. In addition to academic research activities, R & D activities are being carried out within the scope of university-industry cooperation.

Wind Tunnel – 3D Model (hold left click to rotate the model, use shift + left click to drag the model – may not be supported on some mobile platforms)